our title

28 Dic: Click-chemistry with tetrazine MOFs

The recent work by Belén and Carol has been published in Angewandte Chemie. The manuscript demonstrates the general value of tetrazine linkers as plug-and-play tags for general framework functionalization in one-step and how this ligation strategy can be can useful to produce crystalline fulleretic materials by controlling the spatial distribution of C60 molecules in the framework.

10 Jun: Heterometallic titanium frameworks for unlocking mixed oxides

Javi´s work during his stay in KAUST in J. Gascón´s group has been published in Chem Catalysis. The work illustrates the exciting possibilities offered by MUV-101(Fe) for the production of catalytic materials not accessible through traditional synthetic routes and opens the door to translating the atomic control of metal composition and distribution of the parent MOF onto complex mixed-oxide structures with industrial applications. Check the web for more info.

10 Jun: Selective implantation of amines in heterometallic MOFs

Elena’s work has been published as “hot paper” in Angewandte. Her work introduces the first example of isoreticular titanium–organic frameworks, MUV-10 and MUV-12, to show how the different affinity of hard Ti(IV) and soft Ca(II) metal sites can be used to direct selective grafting of amines for cooperative cycloaddition of CO2 to epoxides at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Check the web for more info.

08 Ene: Heterometallic titanium-organic frameworks as dual-metal catalysts

Javier, Natalia and Neyvis work has been published in Chem. Their work shows how the combination of Ti(IV) with different metals leads to heterometallic Titanium-Organic Frameworks with catalytic activity towards the degradation of nerve agent simulants. The synergetic cooperation of Ti(IV) and Fe(III) sites enables the degradation of Sarin simulants in water without additional co-catalysts. By using an integrative experimental/computational approach, we answer one of the key open questions in the area of mixed-metal MOFs: how can the metals in the inorganic node influence each other for tuning the performance of the material? Click for more info