Gas and vapor sorption analyzers

Brand: Micromeritics

Model: 3Flex

Description: High-performance adsorption analyzer for measuring surface area, pore size, and pore volume of powders and particulate materials equipped with 3 high-resolution ports. The 3Flex is ideally suited for gas or vapor adsorption analysis of microporous (< 2nm) and mesoporous (2 to 50nm) materials and delivers superior accuracy, resolution, and data reduction.

Brand: Microtrac MRB

Model: Belsorp Max II

Description: The BELSORP MAX II is a versatile instrument which measures specific surface area/pore size distribution, vapor adsorption and chemisorption. It allows for comprehensive surface characterization such as micropore analysis by measuring adsorption isotherms from extremely low pressure, or hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity by water vapor adsorption. Our setup is also equipped with a kinetic buffer (shared facility).